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Houses for Sale in English Hill Redmond WA


Communities and Neighborhoods

About Houses for Sale in English Hill Redmond WA

First-time visitors to Redmond are usually struck by the beautiful backdrop of green, rolling Spoiler alert: that feeling never goes away. This growing suburb is bordered by Lake Sammamish to the west, Redmond to the north, Issaquah to the south, and the Snoqualmie Valley to the east. Many report that this is the perfect neighborhood to raise a family, own a house, and settle down.

Neighborhood Details for English Hill Redmond WA

Population: 2,168
Income: $161,364 per year
Households: 57% with kids
Home Value: $1,255,088
Residency: 19 years
Education: 41% College Degree
Square Miles:
Crime: Below Average
About Houses for Sale in English Hill Redmond WA

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